Winter Plant Wish List


UPPER LEVEL:  For the upper garden we want to create an area to greet visitors and give a sense of the gardens beyond.  We chose plants used in Native American ceremonies.  They require little care, are aromatic and self propagating.


Common Sweet Grass

Hierochloe odorata 


Bear Grass

Xerophyllum tenax



Artemisa vulgaris 





LOWER LEVEL:  For the lower area we chose plants that propagate themselves, spread easily, and require little care.  They have varying heights and colors to provide an attractive ground cover while allowing the existing plants room to grow.


Yellow Wood Violets

Viola glabella 


Golden eyed Grass

Sisyrinchium californicum 


Wild-flag Iris

Iris setosa 


Sweet Cicely

Osmorhiza chilensis 


Fern-leaved Goldthread

Coptis asplenifolia 


Maidenhair Fern

Adiantum pedatum   


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